CALLS  2020


T.P.K Open Call

The TPK has some studios available to artists, if they want to enter they must present a project they want to develop.

The artists in residence also have at their disposal the rest of infrastructures and services of the *TPK, (workshop of engraving, workshop of photograph, room *wi-fi) and can take part in courses and seminars. In turn, they commit to having their work accessible when there are guided tours for schools and events  and take part in the project. The artist's Themes where they have the opportunity to explain their work and projects.




La Antenna

El BaumannLab està obert a propostes i projectes de joves, creadors i entitats que tinguin idees i iniciatives relacionades amb la producció cultural i artística, o que vulguin difondre el resultat dels seus processos de treball.Posem al teu abast els nostres recursos i serveis, així com la nostra capacitat de treballar en el territori a partir de la xarxa d'entitats i usuaris amb els quals treballem des del Servei de Joventut i Lleure.


National and international call for a short stay residencies (2 and 3 months) in Hangar

The call for applications for a short stay studio (2 and 3 months) is open, with the possibility of accommodation in the residence for international artists. From now until November 17, 2020 midnight, the deadline for submission of applications is open. Any artist, of any nationality, can apply for the short stay residencies in its two modalities to choose: studio + residency (accommodation) or only studio.

Available studios: 5
Duration of the residency: Four 3-month and one 2-month residencies
Result of the selection: end of November 2020
Workshop rental: 130,26 Euro/month (VAT included)
Rent residence + workshop: 635.25 euros/month (VAT included)
Deposit: 1 monthly payment to be returned at the end of the stay
The expenses of the trip and stay in Barcelona are in charge of the artist.



Al TPK obrim una convocatòria per acollir artistes en residència per un període de 2 anys a partir dels primers mesos de l’any 2020. 
Es posarà a disposició un mínim de 2 tallers, de 10 m2 (50 €/mes) o de 16 m2 (80 €/mes) integrats dintre de l’espai del TPK i amb els serveis bàsics inclosos.
A les bases hi trobareu la resta d’informació i condicions. 

Fins el 7 de gener de 2020



ETI Barcelona is a project by Idensitat in association with La Escocesa, a collaborative process between artists and non-artists to reframe a new institutional space. A transition space, based on the theme of “reconsidering the institution”, will be generated, a space which will be sensitive to the interaction between social and creative practices, in which it is possible to reimagine other locations for culture based upon new social complexities and the diversity of audiences.

Until the January 20.


Open call to apply for a long-stay residency (up to 2 years) in Hangar

The call for applying for a long-stay studio (24 months) is now open. From now until January 26, 2020 at 12 p.m., the deadline for submission of applications is opened.

Available studios: 6.

Duration of the residence: from May 2020 to April 2022.

Selection result: mid-February 2020.
Studio rental: 130.26 €/month (VAT included).

Deposit: 2 monthly payments to be returned at the end of the stay.


City of Roeselare + Idensitat + Dear Hunter + Aalborg Universitet / 2019 - 2021

The central artistic activity of the project is the development of two locative sound art exhibitions, which will be embedded into specific sites in the urban environments of Roeselare, Belgium and Barcelona, Spain. Each exhibition will consist of ten sound pieces, one by each of ten artists chosen by an European open call. The production of the exhibitions will be preceded by social mapping of each of two selected areas by Dear Hunter, during which a collective residency for all artists and a curator will take place. The final results of each mapping process will be handed over to the artists and will highlight points shared by both localities.

Until January 31.



Convocatòria de selecció de projectes per la 9a Mostra d’Art Urbà

Aquestes bases tenen com a objectiu regular la selecció dels projectes de creació contemporània que formaran part de la 9a Mostra d’Art Urbà de Roca Umbert (MAU), que es portarà a terme el dissabte 16 de maig de 2020. En aquesta edició l’eix temàtic de la mostra se centrarà en el concepte de mecanització.
Termini: S’acceptaran els projectes -que hauran d’incloure el dossier amb la informació requerida a l’apartat 8 d’aquestes bases- presentats entre  el 17 de desembre de 2019 i el 31 de gener de 2020 a les 14h.



Biofriction es un proyecto de Creative Europe liderado por Hangar en colaboración con Bioart Society, Cultivamos Cultura y el Instituto Kersnikova comprometido con el apoyo a las prácticas de Bioarte y Biohacking. El título hace referencia a la combinación de biología, biotecnología, ficción y artes como superficies de fricción, con especial atención al potencial emancipador de la biotecnología a través de interfaces en el contexto de las prácticas artísticas. La convocatoria se dirige a proyectos en el campo de la experimentación con biomateriales, haciendo especial hincapié en el feminismo transhackfeminista como enfoque (o como multiplicador de métodos) para repolitizar el feminismo a través de la (bio)práctica.

Until January 29.


The residence is offered from March 2nd to June 14th and from October 5th to December 20th, 2020. Applications are open to visual arts, live art, dance, sound art, music and writing projects. Essay writing projects on creation are also eligible.

Until February 9th. 


CACiS opens the international call for artists, creators and scientists in residence during the year 2020, to carry out a project of art, ecology and sustainability with the intention of promoting collaborations between

artists and scientists. The joint or individual creation should be guided by climate change, as inspiration, reflection and invitation to action.
Until February 20th


El Centre d’Art Contemporani i Sostenibilitat El Forn de la Calç posa en marxa un nou programa de Projectes Expositius Artístics i Culturals, destinada a ordenar la recepció de propostes. A partir d’aquest any 2020, es realitzaran convocatòries de diferents classes de projectes culturals, a través dels quals, necessàriament, hauran de canalitzar-se les propostes d’activitats que es vulguin presentar. En aquest marc, s’obre un període de recepció de projectes expositius a desenvolupar dins de l’espai interior i/o exterior del Centre.

Els artistes participants presentaran un projecte expositiu a realitzar dins de l’espai interior i/o exterior del Centre, cas de ser seleccionat. El projecte ha d’estar relacionat amb l’art, l’ecologia i la sostenibilitat, amb l’objectiu de fomentar la col·laboració entre artistes i científics. 
Els interessats han de presentar la sol·licitud necessàriament al mail de CACiS, La data límit per presentar projectes expositius és el 27 de març de l’any 2020. 
Podeu trobar les bases per aquesta convocatòria a


Presentation deadline 21th February 2020

Transversal Aesthetics - Ecosystems of Fiction is a project by Idensitat + Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana developed in València, Castelló and Alicante on the basis of an open call for two residences (València and Alicante), and a production workshop with an invited artist in the context of Castelló.
The València and Alicante Open Call for residences will be offered to artists or collectives interested in developing a project within the contexts proposed in the terms of the open call, using available work spaces at Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània in Valencia and Centre Cultural Las Cigarreras in Alicante. The residencies’ duration will be two months between April and June 2020 (Alicante), and September and November 2020 (València).


Fall 2020 – Writers Residency Call - Can Serrat

Within the residency program Can Serrat offers individual support and resources to each resident as need be. The call is open to all themes and writing genres. Selected residents will have the time and space to work on their own writing projects while in residence at Can Serrat.

The jury will select 16 proposals to be a part of the fall writing residency. 
The breakdown will be the following:
1 fully funded grant
5 grant at 70% cost
5 grant at 50% cost
5 grant at 30% cost
Deadline to apply: February 29, 2020


Fall Residency Open Call - Contemporary Art - Can Serrat

The residency program supports writers and artistic production, offering individual support and resources to each resident according to their needs. The call is open to all topics and mediums. Selected residents will have time and space to work on their own projects while residing in Can Serrat. 


The jury will select 16 proposals to be part of the residence in contemporary art for autumn 2020.

The breakdown of scholarships and invitations will be as follows:

1 full scholarship

5 scholarships of 70%

5 scholarships of 50%

5 scholarships of 30%


Residency Program for Artists at Homesession

Residency programme

Homesession Residencia is an Artist in Residence programme, which aims to give artists and art professionals a chance to develop their research or projects in Barcelona. 

Homesession Studio offers the possibility to stay 2 months in Barcelona, which gives the artist the opportunity to enjoy the interactions that can raise in culturally very lively neighbourhood.. 

Thanks to the implication of Homesession in the local art scene, the stay become itself a key experience in the creative process. The residency concludes with a public presentation event.
Open Call for July and August, deadline 29th February.





Estruch Factory of the live arts, is a municipal facility in Sabadell with over twenty years of experience covering a broad spectrum of contemporary artistic practice. 

Estruch stands to find the permeability between disciplines such as dance, circus, visual arts, performance, sound experimentation and technological development. 

The results feed the international art circuit but also in other areas such as social, academic, industrial, etc. 

Nauestruch is the area specializing in visual arts and performance, with special interest in proposals around political body.

The call for visual art residencies has two modes: 

1.RESIDÈNCIES artistic production 


Services of the center are: rehearsal rooms, workshops, exhibition hall, media lab, multimedia, theater rentals, which will be transferred subject to availability and must always be shared with other artists. 
Open Call until 9 March 2020
The selected projects will be announced on April 3, 2020


Nos llamamos así. Writer's Open Call January 2021

A Collective narrative project in collaboration with g_b (writing residency) and Cajon de Sastre (publishing house)


Can Serrat is a live/work space that supports writers and artistic production.  We offer individual support and resources to each resident as need be.

Nos llamamos así open call invites all themes and topics and is the second edition of collective narrative projects in residency. The jury will select participants according to the relevance of their work in general and how recent projects connect to Can Serrat’s context and lines of thought. Selected residents will have the time and space to work on their own writing projects while in residence at Can Serrat.  Additionally, and specifically for this open call, we ask selected residents to dedicate part of their time here to contribute to the production of a collective narrative that we will develop together. 



The jury will select 16 proposals to be a part of the winter 2021 nos llamamos así.  We are pleased to be able to offer at least partial support to every selected applicant.

The breakdown will be the following:

- 1 fully funded grant

- 5 grant at 70% cost

- 5 grant at 50% cost

- 5 grant at 30% cost


Application period: May 1-31, 2020

Results: July 2020

Dates of the residency will be:

January 7-February 7, 2021

Exchange grants for artistic projects between Stuttgart and Barcelona

Exchange grants for artistic projects between Stuttgart and Barcelona

For the sixth consecutive year Hangar launches this call for artist exchange grants between Baden-Württemberg and Catalonia. This grant was created in 2015 on the initiative of the Goethe-Institut Barcelona, the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, the Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart -WBK and the Hangar Visual Arts Production and Research Centre (Barcelona) and is supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Wurttemberg -MWK- and the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Benefits and endowment of the grant

Displacement: €300. / Financial endowment: €1,800 for maintenance (2 months) and €900 for production (gross amounts). / Accommodation and work space. / Use of the centre’s infrastructures. / Punctual technical assistance. If exclusive dedication to the project is required, the costs will be charged to the production budget.

The deadline for receipt of applications is May 17, 2020, at 11:59 pm CEST.




REMOTA is an online residency for artistic and writing practices.  The virtual space makes it possible to transcend borders and bring together a diverse group of creators who can enrich one anothers’ processes by offering different perspectives and strengthening and expanding each others’ cultural networks. The groups, as also tends to be the case in physical residencies, are inclusive and will consider a diverse range of creative practices, places of origin, ages, and genders.

The remote residency will run for one month, in which residents will share their work, projects, and creative process (and the physical context of their lives) through virtual sessions.  They will continue working individually on their respective projects, along with the support and input of the REMOTA residing at a distance staff.  For the duration of the residency, there will be various channels of open and ongoing communication between participants to maintain the thread of discussion.

Closing date, July 20th at 17h Colombia, 0h00 Spain



Image gallery

Beca Fundació Güell

La FUNDACIÓ GÜELL amb la col·laboració de l’Associació HOMESESSION convoca una beca per a joves artistes d’arts visuals (màxim 35 anys) nascuts o establerts en terres de parla catalana oberta a les disciplines de pintura, escultura, instal·lació, fotografia, dibuix i vídeo art.

La data límit d’enviament de les candidatures és el 20 de setembre de 2020.

Consulteu les bases de la convocatòria: Bases Beca Arts Visuals 2020

Per a demanar més informacions podeu escriure a

Art and Nature Grants

The Centre of Art the Panera opens annually the Scholarships Art and Nature Creation, in  collaboration with the Centre of Art and Nature of Farrera, Centre of Arte y Naturaleza of Huesca, the Museum of the Rural Life of the Espluga of Francolí and the Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia of Cerezales of the Condado, f to promote the investigation and the creation around the area of the visual arts.

The two winning projects will enjoy two months of stay at the Centre of Art and Nature of Farrera, plus 4000 euros of support for the production . The winning projects of the scholarships Art and Nature at the Creation will be presented at Farrera in the year of the residency and, within the consecutive years, at the Centre of Art the Panera.

Deadline for submission is July 31, 2020 at the 14 h. The verdict will be public 24th of August.


Production and Exhibition Grants by Institut Ramon Llull, NewArtFoundation and Hangar

Institut Ramon Llull, NewArtFoundation and Hangar, Centre for Production and Research of Visual Arts in Barcelona open a call for proposals to award three grants for the production of artistic pieces in the field of the confluence between art and technology. These pieces will be presented in an exhibition at Arts Santa Monica, within the official program of the 2020 Ars Electronica Festival, which is held in a distributed mode, with Barcelona as one of its locations, due to the crisis of the COVID- 19.

This call will award a total of three grants, divided into two modalities:

Modality 1: 2 grants, financed by the Institut Ramon Llull, with a production endowment of €5,000 and a fee of €1,000 each. The pieces produced in this way will be deposited in NewArtFoundation, keeping the artist the property. NewArtFoundation and the BEEP Collection will guarantee with their infrastructure the storage, conservation and diffusion of the work.

Modality 2: 1 grant, financed by the BEEP Collection, with an endowment of €8,000 for production and €1,000 for fees. The piece produced under this modality will be incorporated into the BEEP Collection.

Grant recipients and project requirements 

Artists, researchers and developers, whether Catalan or resident in Catalonia, of any age and nationality, are eligible for these grants.

The projects presented must privilege work with open source technologies and under free licenses.

Deadline: 12 July 2020 at 23:59 (UTC + 1h)


Image gallery

Summer Sessions 2020 open call

Open call for the participation of a Spanish artist in the Summer Sessions 2020 programme.

Summer Sessions are short term international art and technology residencies for emerging artists and designers. A network of cultural organizations around the world sponsors and hosts the residences.

This year, due to international travel restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, residences will be conducted domestically.

Hangar will sponsor an artist from Spain to participate in this programme and to carry out a two-month residency in Hangar (Barcelona) and develop his/her project in a framework of collaboration with the institutions that are part of the Summer Sessions network

Period of residence

Each residence of the Summer Sessions has an approximate duration of eight weeks. During this period the artist will develop a project from the concept to the presentable work, ready to be shown. The dates of the residence in Hangar will be in September and October 2020.

Benefits and funding of the grant

– Workspace in the Hangar Interaction Lab

– Living expenses: €1500 (€700 per month)

– Fees: €500

– Production item: €950

– Accommodation costs: €800*

*in case the artist moves from outside Barcelona.

Deadline for submission of applications

The deadline for receipt of applications is Thursday 23 July 2020 at 23:59 h CEST


Suport a la creació de La Marfà. Residències internacionals

Programa de beques que té la voluntat de promoure la internacionalització i la mobilitat artística. Estan destinades a nous projectes que suposin la col·laboració entre músics que resideixen a diferents regions o països. S’accepten propostes inèdites i no estrenades de qualsevol estil de música, projectes que impliquin la mobilitat artística i que necessitin desenvolupar un procés creatiu internacional en format de residència. La beca consisteix en la cessió d’espais i en un ajut per finançar una estada de creació de cinc dies de durada a La Marfà - Centre de Creació Musical, que hauria de tenir lloc entre el mes de setembre 2020 i el mes de juny de 2021. A partir de l’import atorgat, els beneficiaris seran els responsables de coordinar els detalls de la residència, com ara desplaçaments, allotjament, i manutenció, entre d’altres.

Termini de presentació de sol·licituds: 10 de juliol de 2020

BCN Production - La Capella

Barcelona Producció is a programme that aims to foster production in contemporary art practices. It promotes the participation of artists, curators, critics, researchers and other professionals focused on contemporary art and culture through an open competition and a selection of projects carried out by an independent jury.

With this initiative, La Capella provides support to meeting the financial and production needs of the artistic community of Barcelona and its area of influence in order to expose the general public to the discourses of art today. This involves establishing conditions for selection that allow the project authors to compete transparently and without intermediaries.

The selection process consists of two phases. In the first, the panel of judges makes a preliminary selection from the projects submitted. In the second, all shortlisted candidates are summoned to an interview in which they defend their project and answer questions posed by the panel members. The decision of which projects to select is made on the basis of these two phases.



3 individual projects for the Sala Gran de La Capella

1 curatorship project for the Sala Gran de La Capella


2 Off-site projects

2 Research projects

1 Publication project

3 Live performance projects

2 Transdisciplinary creation and digital media projects


1 Educational and mediation project in La Capella

DEADLINE: September 9th 2020, at 11 a.m.

Testimoni Escènic

Ja pots consultar la nova convocatòria TESTIMONI ESCÈNIC.
TE és una xarxa de suport a la creació escènica, a través de residències i de preestrenes amb públic. Les residències són a la residència d’artistes Cal Gras i/o algun teatre o sala)
La convocatòria, serà oberta per rebre projectes fins el 18 de setembre de 2020.


La Nau Ivanow i la Sala Atrium posen en marxa la setena edició del Cicle de creació escènica DespertaLab amb l’objectiu de donar suport a la creació teatral. A través d’aquest cicle es posa a l’abast de les companyies l’espai i les condicions tècniques adients per a la creació, la producció, la comunicació-difusió i la projecció d’una obra teatral i el creixement i la professionalització de les companyies seleccionades.
El termini per presentar candidatures és del 7 de setembre al 2 d’octubre de 2020, ambdós inclosos.


Walter Benjamin Grant

The Contemporary Art Center Nau Côclea organizes again the guided route from Banyuls to Portbou. This route is included in the Walter Benjamin International Colloquium organized by the Walter Benjamin Memory and Exile Chair of the University of Girona, the Democratic Memorial Barcelona and the Memorial Museum of The Exile La Jonquera, Catalonia Spain. The route follows the path that Walter Benjamin made, guided by Lisa Fittko to cross the border fleeing from the Nazi police and at the end of which he took his life. It goes from Banyuls to Portbou. This path is walked every year with a different artist making a proposal specifically designed for the occasion in the spirit of Walking Art in all its versions and possibilities. The winning project will be carried out during this walk that will take place on Saturday, November 21rst, 2020. The grant is open to all creative disciplines and especially to walking arts (sound art, dance, performing arts, music, poetry, visual arts, performance, tours, public art , land art, etc.).
Grant amount: € 750 taxes included.
Applications can be sent until October 1rst, 2020


What is Xarxaprod?

Xarxaprod - Red de espacios de producción y creación de Cataluña- es una asociación que reúne centros de producción y creación, tanto públicos como privados al servicio de la producción cultural contemporánea.
Creada en el año 2006, el objetivo principal de Xarxaprod es compartir y optimizar recursos con la finalidad de enriquecer el tejido productivo a disposición de creadores/as y fomentar su relación con la sociedad.


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