The project, “Concèntrica. Mirades fora d’òrbita”, promotes audio-visual arts and the exhibition space, “Espai d’Art Moritz”, promotes the creation and dissemination of contemporary art within the city of Cornellà. The 140 square metres of the Espai d’Art Moritz space holds different exhibition proposals, as well as courses and experimental workshops. The community project “Concèntrica. Mirades fora d’òrbita”, based on the promotion of the audio-visual arts and new technologies, holds exhibitions, interventions, projections, talks, and training workshops.
Address: Calle Mossèn Andreu 17, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Telephone: (34) 93 377 54 54
Email: pcanizares[at]